What Does the Future Hold?
And how does that affect OD?
The world is getting smaller and change happens faster and faster. Companies move through the organization life-cycle at a quickened pace. OD practitioners must learn to adapt, change, and alter their business model and process to survive and thrive.
Our June speaker is noted futurist Rex Miller. Rex is a nationally respected futurist, consultant, speaker, and communications expert. Highly esteemed leaders such as corporate presidents, business owners, and pastors describe Rex as an engaging, challenging, brilliant, visionary, pragmatic, authentic, innovative, provocative, thoughtful, inspiring, creative, and relevant futurist.
Not only will we learn about the ‘future’, we will hear about the great opportunities that lie ahead in the field of Organization Development for OD practitioners who are ready, willing and able to adjust as organizations shift.
(Please join our LinkedIn Group and comment on the discussions.)
Schedule for Thursday Evening:
– 6:30 Intros / Networking / Food
– 7:15 Announcements / Program
– 8:45 Closing and evaluation
Meeting Location: American Airlines Headquarters *
4333 Amon Carter Boulevard, Center Port 5 (6 Story Building)
Fort Worth, TX 76155
>> Click for Satellite Map of the building and parking (with lat/long)
Note: Take Hwy 183 to Amon Carter exit; Go south to Sovereign Rd (SW corner).
Parking is plentiful, free, and very close to the door (see map). ADA accessible.
Cost: No charge for members ($60/year). $10 for guests.
Facilitator BIO:
Rex Miller is a nationally respected futurist, consultant, and speaker. His most recent book, The Commercial Real Estate Revolution, describes the dysfunction of an industry struggling with old paradigms and behavior. The book provides nine transforming keys for lowering cost, cutting waste and driving change.
He published his first book, The Millennium Matrix, in 2005, describing the power of changing media on the transformation of culture and organizations. It describes the new leadership models necessary to navigate change and lead a rising Millennial generation.
Rex joined TAG Consulting as a Senior Partner in 2010. He leads their A/E/C practice, Strengths-based leadership training, professional sports consulting, and is their resident futurist. He is a certified CoreClarity trainer and a member of the National Speakers Association, having spoken at over 100 industry and professional events. He is also a USPTA certified tennis professional.
We look forward to seeing you there!