Return on Energy® – the Power behind Organizational Development
What makes an organization tick? Can all the parts really work together — harmoniously? How do different people with different thinking and communication styles align themselves to common group objectives that benefit the business as a whole?
February’s speaker Michael Rose has observed a pattern in business. After seeing the ROE Methodology you will observe things differently too. We will discuss three areas:
1. ROE Map – Learn a simple and effective Way to gain insight within any organization. ROE is the DNA of any business organization.
2. ROE Org Chart – You will learn a new organizational chart; the top down model is antiquated. An organization is like an organism; all parts within the cell must be healthy and work together to thrive. When a threat enters or existing parts become compromised, the remaining cell parts must pick up the slack in order to return to a healthy state. If not, the organism becomes compromised and might not survive.
3. ROE Gap – You will learn what “in-over-your-head” and “growing-pains” within a business really mean. Two gaps exist — the company gap and the individual gap. When individuals close their gap, the organization grows. Then the individual gaps widen and the process starts all over again.
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